Fixed a bug with the number of digits after the decimal point on costs.
Version 2.00
Significant changes and improvements :
Improved Setup Wizard.
Improved layout of settings window.
Improved layout and look of main account window.
Improved Session monitor layout with better auto sizing.
Improved Reports form layout.
Improved look of system tray menu.
Improved product support form and contact information.
Improved print preview window.
Greatly reduced memory consumption and resource usage. Far greater dynamic allocation of resources.
Automatic date & time correction from an internet NTP accurate server.
Security problem fixed : Attempting to exit net buddy when 'exiting was disallowed' has been made more secure.
Security problem fixed : Users can't change system time due to above online date & time correction, and anti-clock tampering feature below.
Added global security option in security panel on settings window to prevent system clock tampering.
Added security option in user restrictions to disable session editing.
Added security option in user restrictions to disable session programs editing.
Rounding error fixed in internal session calculations.
Automatic selecting of the current timezone 'pie' on the timezones tab.
Added options to show daily costs, account costs, and bytes received/transmitted per second on session monitor.
Session monitor font size and style is now adjustable via settings.
Session monitor now has a 'dockable' feature which makes it stick to screen edges, easier to align.
Auto hangup feature implemented, with specifiable time period and bytes received.
Online and offline sound alerts added.
Added ability to edit and remove previous sessions.
Added information on timezone tab to indicate loaded timezone preset.
Crash protection added, session information is saved to the registry every second, and in the event of a system crash the current session will not be lost.
Fixed bug with day limits on alarms.
Added option to disable 'are you sure?' prompt on exit.
Added more 'tips of the day'.
Added an option to copy admin timezones, alarms etc when creating new users.
Automatically highlights current session and updates session information in real time in the session list.
'Right click' context menus added almost every where.
Fixed Bug with internet detection system sometimes 'jumping the gun'.
Added an extra digit to display session costs and totals etc.
Version 1.61
Fixed bug with setup program and regional settings which don't use a '.' as a decimal symbol
Fixed bug with timzone graphic image not appearing properely on some graphics cards.
Version 1.60
Fixed bug on Windows NT and the opening of session programs.
Fixed bug with session programs re-opening when a manual session close is performed.
Fixed bug with 'base charges' not working on timezones.
Fixed bug with net buddy closing itself if autoclose feature was used on session programs, and the programs didn't run.
Added splash form at startup.
Improved about window.
Improved Setup Wizard.
Improved alarms list so it shows more information.
Renamed 'timezones' tab to 'phone charges', and improved layout.
Updated help file, with more information in setup wizard help.
Added more timezone presets.
Modified code so that it is in line with the upcoming Net Buddy 2.0.
Added more 'Tips of the day'.
Version 1.52
Updated Setup Program.
Updated Product Showcase on registration window.
Version 1.51
Fixed bug with daily cost limit alarm.
Fixed bug with calculating bill dates.
Added support to automatically close session programs when session is closed.
Added option to only run session programs when fully connected to internet (useful for mail progs etc.)
Added a few more timezone presets.
Fixed persistent bug with session cost window not staying on top.
Fixed bug when manually closing a session whilst still on-line.
Version 1.5
Added support for public holidays which are saved with time-zone presets.
Improved reports window.
Tidied up main accounts window.
Fixed bug when crossing between time-zones.
Added many timezone presets.
Tidied up alarm window
Added 2 new alarms.
Added option for automatically backing up database from registry.
Added floating window option showing session costs etc.
Added option to compensate for dial-up time.
Added option to show costs before time on session info taskbar/floating window.
Added background texture fill feature on reports window.
Fixed bug with alarm warning windows not appearing on top.
Fixed bug with saving settings when windows shutsdown.
Fixed bug with bill dates being greater than the 27th day of the month.